Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Abedini Reza and Saed Meshka

Saed Meshka

Abedini Reza

These artist are worth looking at. It's great to see graphic designers' work across the globe. Too bad we can't read what there saying, but the calligraphy are beautiful. I love the use of negative space, and I like that image with the bird just on the side of it. They look simple and interesting at the same time. Reza's use of text and images are effective. I like the man with texts coming out of his shirt. It's really catchy. I also like the use of color, his background pretty much is one color, while the images he uses make up for the color that is needed. I really wish I can understand these two man's work better. If only I can read the calligraphy. Thankfully one of the girl in our class was able to translate for us a little bit. I also checked Reza's website, and if anyone is interested there is a little bit more information on his site about his work.
Reza's website

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